Although I've studied many styles of massage and bodywork, my work is not at all traditional massage therapy; I specialize in the medical aspect of the bodywork profession. On many occasions, there has been a misinterpretation of the terms "medical bodywork" and "medical massage". For the most part, when it comes to a bodywork practitioner using these terms, their "medical" treatments are primarily centered on the musculo- skeletal system. Their techniques are usually limited to neuromuscular and fascial therapies. While these therapies are certainly important aspects of medical bodywork, they are just part of the bigger, overall picture. About 28 years ago, I began my medical bodywork practice with neuromuscular and fascial therapies. However, I soon realized that those therapies simply weren't enough to address the multitude of disorders that I was encountering. That prompted me to do some research and in so doing, I ascertained that there were other fundamental therapies that needed to be included in my practice in order to address this multitude of disorders. Hence, I progressively added more essential therapies to my practice. These therapies (with their brief explanations) include, but are not limited to: Visceral Manipulation – to address tensions and dysfunctions within the organ systems Visceral Vascular Manipulation – to release tensions within the arterial systems Lymph Drainage Therapy – to treat problems within the lymphatic system Neural Manipulation – to release tensions and restrictions in the cranial & spinal nerves CranioSacral Therapy – to remove distortions and imbalances within the craniosacral system Brain Therapy – to release tensions and restrictions in the specific structures of the brain & spinal cord Active Isolated Stretching – to optimally lengthen the muscles & fascias and maximize joint range of motion Custom Orthotics – to improve and enhance the structural integrity of the entire body So one can clearly see the necessity of providing these other therapies, in addition to neuromuscular and fascial therapies, in order to form a more complete medical bodywork practice.


Rather than disrobe, each client is asked to wear loose comfortable clothing for the treatment sessions; preferably shorts and a T- shirt, especially when the session will include treatment of the extremities. There may be times when partial disrobing is necessary, and of course in those instances, proper draping of the client will be applied. The initial session includes an evaluation (client information/medical history intake, manual assessments, discussion) with the treatment. The subsequent sessions can be scheduled for any amount of time (1 hour minimum) and will always include, at the very least, the “listening” aspect of the manual assessments. The frequency and the number of treatment sessions will vary from person to person, depending on their specific situations and their individual goals. For the most part, each treatment session will differ from the previous one, relative to how the tissues are changing and improving. This will be determined primarily by the body through the "listening" assessments. Usually, each treatment session will consist of integrating a combination of the aforementioned manual therapies. Sometimes, if considered appropriate at the time or at the request of the client, a treatment session may consist of just one type of manual therapy. All of the manual therapies and their techniques, as they're applied to the tissues, are precise and gentle. Never are they forceful or painful. Also, I understand the body's responsive nature to a stimulus and thus I always remain sensitive as I approach and treat the tissues. The respect and comfort of each individual client, as well as their tissues, are always highly regarded. *For more information regarding some of the aforementioned terms on this page, please visit the following pages on my website: 'Modalities' 'Custom Orthotics' 'Evaluation' Call For A Free 30 Minute Phone Consultation: 973-650-3100




Although I've studied many styles of massage and bodywork, my work is not at all traditional massage therapy; I specialize in the medical aspect of the bodywork profession. On many occasions, there has been a misinterpretation of the terms "medical bodywork" and "medical massage". For the most part, when it comes to a bodywork practitioner using these terms, their "medical" treatments are primarily centered on the musculo-skeletal system. Their techniques are usually limited to neuromuscular and fascial therapies. While these therapies are certainly important aspects of medical bodywork, they are just part of the bigger, overall picture. About 28 years ago, I began my medical bodywork practice with neuromuscular and fascial therapies. However, I soon realized that those therapies simply weren't enough to address the multitude of disorders that I was encountering. That prompted me to do some research and in so doing, I ascertained that there were other fundamental therapies that needed to be included in my practice in order to address this multitude of disorders. Hence, I progressively added more essential therapies to my practice. These therapies (with their brief explanations) include, but are not limited to: Visceral Manipulation – to address tensions and dysfunctions within the organ systems Visceral Vascular Manipulation – to release tensions within the arterial systems Lymph Drainage Therapy – to treat problems within the lymphatic system Neural Manipulation – to release tensions and restrictions in the cranial & spinal nerves CranioSacral Therapy – to remove distortions and imbalances within the craniosacral system Brain Therapy – to release tensions and restrictions in the specific structures of the brain & spinal cord Active Isolated Stretching – to optimally lengthen the muscles & fascias and maximize joint range of motion Custom Orthotics – to improve and enhance the structural integrity of the entire body So one can clearly see the necessity of providing these other therapies, in addition to neuromuscular and fascial therapies, in order to form a more complete medical bodywork practice.


Rather than disrobe, each client is asked to wear loose comfortable clothing for the treatment sessions; preferably shorts and a T- shirt, especially when the session will include treatment of the extremities. There may be times when partial disrobing is necessary, and of course in those instances, proper draping of the client will be applied. The initial session includes an evaluation (client information/medical history intake, manual assessments, discussion) with the treatment. The subsequent sessions can be scheduled for any amount of time (1 hour minimum) and will always include, at the very least, the “listening” aspect of the manual assessments. The frequency and the number of treatment sessions will vary from person to person, depending on their specific situations and their individual goals. For the most part, each treatment session will differ from the previous one, relative to how the tissues are changing and improving. This will be determined primarily by the body through the "listening" assessments. Usually, each treatment session will consist of integrating a combination of the aforementioned manual therapies. Sometimes, if considered appropriate at the time or at the request of the client, a treatment session may consist of just one type of manual therapy. All of the manual therapies and their techniques, as they're applied to the tissues, are precise and gentle. Never are they forceful or painful. Also, I understand the body's responsive nature to a stimulus and thus I always remain sensitive as I approach and treat the tissues. The respect and comfort of each individual client, as well as their tissues, are always highly regarded. *For more information regarding some of the aforementioned terms on this page, please visit the following pages on my website: 'Modalities' 'Custom Orthotics' 'Evaluation' Call For A Free 30 Minute Phone Consultation: 973-650-3100
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