The St. John Method of Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) was created by Paul St. John, a licensed massage & bodywork therapist,
and a certified integrative neurosomatic therapist. Prior to those accomplishments, Paul was certified in radiologic technology
and was a medic in the Green Berets in Vietnam, where he learned to appreciate the knowledge and skills of some of the
alternative healthcare practitioners in Asia. After suffering an injury that left him with chronic debilitating pain, Paul underwent
several years of various conventional medical treatments, and found no long term relief from his pain. This prompted him to
begin researching and studying pain mechanisms, the nervous system, the musculo-skeletal system, and the neurological laws
that govern the workings of the human body. One thing led to another, and NMT was born. Not just prototypical, the St. John
method of NMT is by far the most authoritative, thorough, and effective form of NMT being offered today. With Paul being the
true pioneer of NMT, it's no surprise that most, if not all other methods of NMT are based on his work.
NMT is a comprehensive, integrative approach to pain relief that examines and addresses the following five principles:
Postural Distortion
Biomechanical Dysfunction
Trigger Point Activity
Nerve Compression/Entrapment
After a detailed analysis is performed, postural distortions and biomechanical dysfunctions are identified, and an appropriate
treatment program is then put into effect. During the treatment sessions, other existing components of these five principles will
be ascertained and addressed accordingly.
NMT treatment programs follow five specific stages of rehabilitation:
Eliminate Hypercontractions and Imbalances in the Muscle Tissue (NMT)
Restore Proper Flexibility to the Muscle Tissue (Stretching Exercises)
Restore Proper Biomechanics to the Musculo-Skeletal System (Movement Therapy)
Rebuild the Strength of the Muscle Tissue (Strengthening Exercises)
Rebuild the Endurance of the Muscle Tissue (Conditioning Exercises)
*It is important to understand that proper rehabilitation of the tissues should follow this particular order of treatment to ensure
the quickest possible recovery without any setbacks. If this order is not followed, experience tells us that setbacks will usually
NMT is performed by applying precise soft tissue manipulations to the tendons and bellies of the muscle tissues. Different
techniques are used during the treatment, some of which include static pressure, transverse and longitudinal friction, and gliding.
Varying degrees of pressure are exerted, dependent upon the condition of the tissues and the extent of the person's pain tolerance
at any given time. While executing the techniques, it is imperative that the therapist administers the appropriate amount of
stimuli in order to elicit therapeutic responses from the nervous system, otherwise there won't be much improvement in the
tissues. An experienced and sensitive practitioner will always bring about such responses.
Another procedure practiced in NMT is Pelvic Stabilization. This unique process involves six distinctive techniques that are
carried out for the purpose of removing any structural distortions in the pelvis. Since the pelvis is associated with the center of
gravity, any imbalances therein can cause disturbances in other areas of the body. Conversely, a balanced pelvis can help other
unstable body regions get better. Thus it is essential that the pelvis be free of structural imbalances.
NMT is based on neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system maintains homeostasis, how it initiates the pain
response, and how the musculo-skeletal system responds to irritations in the nervous tissues. One such law worth mentioning is
Wolff's Law, which simply states "form follows function and function follows form". Therefore, abnormal functioning will cause
imbalances in the form (musculo-skeletal system), and vice versa. Thus, in the matter of alleviating symptoms and improving
overall health and well-being, one can certainly see the importance of having a healthy musculo-skeletal system, as well as,
healthy functioning.
There are many conditions that can be helped as a result of receiving NMT treatments. The following is just a partial list and is
by no means exhaustive:
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Joint Pain
Extremity Pain
Diminished Joint Range Of Motion
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Golfer's Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Herniated/Bulging Discs
Plantar Fasciitis
Whiplash Injuries
Athletic Injuries
Poor Athletic Performance
Breathing Difficulties
Mobility Issues
Functional Disorders